Monday, February 14, 2011

V-cards you definitely wanna give away ;)

As a toast to Valentine's day, here are some cards that would be perfect to give to your nerdy girlfriend. Hey maybe she'll even give you her V-card in return. Know what I'm saying.


So i herd u liek mudkips...


Can anyone look at this and hold a straight face?

If you're boyfriend or girlfriend is a star wars fan he/she will surely smile at this

For any of my older followers out there :)


This is adorable for all ages.


No innuendo here, no sir

How romantic..awwhh

Give this to your boyfriend. Now! they will love you til next V-day!

So male followers, I'm sure you got a kick out of these more so than the woman. And really, print one of these out and give it to your significant other and post results. I can't see them not absolutely loving the personal-ness of it. Til Wednesday RACers! (Rose and Crayons - ers) And remember, vote in the poll situated in the top left if you haven't yet. Happy V-day all, and may you exchange V-cards with your significant other tonight!


  1. Loved the Stalin one :P

  2. oh the Stalin one was brilliant

  3. The Kirby card is awesome!

  4. The Picard one was funny as hell.

  5. I lol'd at the kirby card. I'll have to use one of these.

  6. how about if i just unzip my pants?

  7. Damit I wish I saw this earlier today haha...

  8. Sadly my better half is halfway across the country but i'll email her some cards, so thanks for these ones.

  9. I actually got the kirby one today. I obliged.

  10. Haha. At least someone sees the funny side of Valentine's :p

  11. loving the first one, but my gf wouldn't understand it

  12. weird i saw on your profile u got to worcster state lol i am actually considering transfering there from QCC

  13. I think the last one is good.

  14. the mudkip and kirby ones are my favorite. i actually sent the kirby one to a girl, unfortunately it doesn't quite make sense coming from me.

  15. I love the kirby one. :D

  16. haha the stalin one is great.

  17. diggin the mudkips card. watch hallmark try to license it.
